Saturday, June 25, 2011

You're Still the One

I've known my best friend for the last seven years and I've been married to him for six of those as of today. It's been a brilliant ride so far, and it only gets better every day. Looking back on the last six years, I can honestly say they've been the happiest years of my life. I feel blessed to be apart of this marriage and apart of this family. So here's to the last six years with my awesome, amazing, handsome, brilliant husband and best friend! I love you Jake.

Engagement Photo

Wedding Photo

Two Years Together

Skip a few years because I can't find the darn pictures!!!

Six Years Together and he's still the one. Always will be!


  1. Happy Anniversary! You guys are the cutest! I'm glad you found Jake, he is so perfect for you. :)

  2. Aww...Cute! Happy BELATED anniversary... I agree with Christa! I think you and Jake are PERFFECT together! LOVE you guys!

  3. Thanks my sisters. He is perfect for me. Love you guys!

  4. Aww what a sweet post. Happy for you!
